Have a look at the people in the image below. These people sharing stories are all focused on the same ideas. The children and adults in this group are all thinking about the meaning of the spoken words and visual images. This particular story also evokes powerful emotional responses.  And to add another dimension, the story is being sung, so the storyteller is modulating her voice by following a melody. We can include yet more layers because the musical backing track provides timbral variety. It also has harmonies as well as rhythmic and expressive enticements to keep everyone on the same track.

Sharing a story

Sharing a story

Why is sharing stories a peace activity?

So when we add up all those compelling stimuli and see the looks on the faces, we can tell that these brains are all tuning in to the same experience on many levels. This produces a strong bond within the group. Can you imagine one of these people suddenly standing up and leaving? It’s not very likely that anyone will disrupt this session. This is what a peaceful group looks like. And it happens every day all around the world when children and adults join in sharing stories.

A peaceful end to a bad start

The content of the story is quite exciting and not at all peaceful. The child in the story is throwing much loved toys out of his bed onto the floor. It is quite cathartic because the child in his pyjamas is not quite ready to fall asleep so he engages in mayhem. But once he realises he is alone, and cold, and lonely, he knows that he prefers the comfort of companions and goes to collect all his rejected friends. The resolution is satisfying and all the listeners breathe a sigh of relief. That is a good end to a bad beginning. So now these children can  easily break the bond  they shared as listeners. They can leave the group with happy hearts, ready to return another day. That is why sharing stories is a peace activity – because we all breathe out together.

Hear a preview of the track we use for Ten in the Bed:

Here’s another version with the vocal track removed so you can be the featured singer:

You will find the story song Ten in the Bed in our Lesson Plan Surprise, Surprise. Click this product description for a music lesson about what to do when facing unexpected occurrences.

For other songs that bind groups together, take a look at the other programs that you can download immediately from our online shop. Click now to find out more about our preschool music lessons.