唱与玩1 –中文 Sing and Play 1 – Chinese
全天都唱歌 Singing All Day Long
ISBN 978-1-921550-07-2 PDF Download
使用本书中的五个计划来帮助您开始为 3-5 岁(最多 6 岁)的学龄前儿童开设自己的双语音乐课程。
Use the five plans in this book to help you get started with your own bilingual music program for preschoolers 3-5-years-old (up to 6-years-old).
- 你可以挑选适合你们组的歌曲和活动
- You can pick and choose the songs and activities that suit your group
- 根据您的乐器收藏调整我们的建议
- Adapt our suggestions to fit in with your musical instrument collection
- 你可以根据和孩子相处的时间来决定
- And you decide on the amount of time to spend with the children
We strongly recommend that you always teach and sing the song lyrics in English. However, you can do the supporting activities in Chinese or English or both. Do what you think works best to help the children make meaning from the English lyrics.
从十种不同的音乐和运动活动以及 50 多首歌曲中进行选择。提供带和弦的短乐谱。
Choose from ten different kinds of music and movement activities and over 50 songs. Short musical scores with chords are provided.
No matter what approach you take to learning in early childhood, you’ll find these ‘tried and true’ songs and activities effective. You can use them as written, or use them as a springboard for your own creative ideas.
By listening to and learning the songs, your children become better listeners because they regularly tune in to the rhythm of the words in the new songs.They will learn new vocabulary and practice their speech patterns. Teach the English language in a fun way through singing, playing instruments, moving, dancing, playing drama games and listening to story songs and and watch their learning grow — not just in music and English. This important work develops the whole child.
您购买的产品 What you get in your purchase
完整的双语教育者书籍 PDF 130 页。
A complete bilingual Educator’s Book PDF 130 pages.
这本书为您提供了有关如何设置和运行您自己的音乐程序的宝贵信息。 The Musical Child Approach 满足许多国际课程框架,尤其是澳大利亚的《早期学习框架》。这本书包括要购买的设备和儿童图画书的清单。
The book gives you valuable information about how to set up and run your own music program. The Musical Child Approach satisfies many international curriculum frameworks, especially the Australian EYLF (Early Years Learning Framework). The book includes a list of equipment and children’s picture books to purchase.
It gives you an easy, one-glance Lesson Overview to the five fully prepared sections:
- 第一部分:美丽的农场 Part 1. Beautiful Farm
- 第二部分:在厨房里的厨师 Part 2. Cooks in the Kitchen
- 第三部分:令人意外的惊喜 Part 3. Surprise Surprise!
- 第四部分:在海上 Part 4. Over the Sea
- 第五部分:愉快的假期
Part 5. Holiday Fun
You also get a list of references and a glossary of musical terms.
In each lesson’s learning outcomes, you can see the benefits of early learning through music and there’s a specific section telling you what new learning the children might achieve in their language and speech. Across the series of lessons, you see the musical concepts learned, simple scores with chords and suggestions for instrumental music to play for cultural enrichment.
全额退款保证 100% Money Back Guarantee
自 2008 年以来,我们的音乐教育产品已帮助全球超过 170,000 名儿童。作为经过时间考验、经久考验的产品,我们很高兴为您提供从本网站购买的所有数字课程资源的全额退款保证。如果 60 天后您对孩子使用我们产品的学习结果不满意,我们将很乐意退还您全额购买价格。我们所需要的只是您在 60 天内每周至少一次根据书面指南交付该计划。此退款优惠在您购买后 90 天到期。
Since 2008 our music education products have helped more than 170,000 children around the world. As a time-tested, proven product, we are pleased to offer you a 100% money back guarantee on all our digital curriculum resources purchased from this website. If after 60 days you are not happy with the results you obtain in your children’s learning from the use of our products, we will happily refund 100% of your purchase price. All we require is that you deliver the program according to the written guidelines at least once a week during the 60 days. This refund offer expires 90 days after you make your purchase.
Save yourself hundreds of hours of hard work finding the right songs and programming the activities. Add this book to your shopping cart now.
sqi57 (verified owner) –
As an educator and grandparent to two adorable grandkids, I highly recommend Musical Child’s early learning through music books such as Sing and Play (English/Chinese) by Carol Biddis and Xinyan Li! I believe in learning through fun activities such as play, sing, and dance. I see enormous value in bilingual education because, I believe, it helps open up vistas of new worlds and gain fuller appreciation of our place in the world and people united by our common humanity despite all the cultural, linguistic, and other differences. Musical Child’s early learning through music books are what we need toward nurturing generations of healthy, happy, peace/nature loving and productive citizens of the world. I so look forward to the fun time I’ll be spending with my grandkids singing, dancing, playing, and learning–bilingually!
Yujung Lin (verified owner) –
I’m preparing to start teaching music, I’d search different music programs, after approaching musicalchild , no annual fee and also able to refund if I don’t like, it provides me a great direction for starting, and the customer service always prompt replies for my questions, also the programs available with different languages it helps a lot, I can add variety of songs in multiple languages ot is really inspiring and interesting programs for me as a beginner and comfortable to start my new lessons with the musicalchild.