Bounce and Sing 1: Educator’s Book



Bounce and Sing 1: Bouncing All Day Long Educator’s Book

  • Instant download PDF
  • Written by Carol Biddiss, M.Ed
  • Contains 5 flexible lesson plans
  • First in a series of 4 books of music and movement activities for toddlers
  • Age appropriate for 1-3 year-olds

This book is designed for use by Early Childhood Educators and Music Teachers who work with groups. It is also suitable for therapists, librarians, parents, grandparents and others who wish to influence children’s development through musical activities.

Note: This is the book only download PDF. To purchase the complete program with all the music and lyric charts click on the product ‘Bounce and Sing 1: Toddler Music Program.



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Bounce and Sing 1: Bouncing All Day Long Educator’s Book

ISBN 978-1-921550-93-5 PDF Download

Use these five lesson plans to help you get started with your own music program for toddlers. You can pick and choose the songs and activities that suit your group, your musical instrument collection and the amount of time you have to spend.  Choose from ten different kinds of music and movement activities and over 50 songs with scores provided.

No matter what approach you take to learning in early childhood, you’ll find tried and true songs and activities that you can use as they are, or use as a springboard and adapt as you wish. By listening to and learning the songs, your children become better listeners because they regularly tune in to the rhythm of the words in the new songs, learn new vocabulary and practice their speech patterns.

Save yourself hundreds of hours of hard work.

What you get in your purchase

A complete Educator’s Book pdf 84 pages.

The book gives you valuable information about how to set up and run your own music program that satisfies international curriculum frameworks. Includes a list of equipment and children’s picture books to purchase.

It gives you an easy, one-glance Lesson Overview to the five fully prepared lesson plans:

  • Part 1. We Play Music
  • Part 2. Sun Moon Star
  • Part 3. Up High in the Sky
  • Part 4. In My Boat
  • Part 5. Hot Cross Buns

You also get an index of first lines so you can quickly look up any song; a list of references and a glossary of musical terms.

  • In each lesson’s learning outcomes, you can see the benefits of early learning through music and there’s a specific section telling you what new learning the children might achieve in their language and speech. Across the series of lessons, you see the musical concepts learned, simple scores with chords and suggestions for instrumental music to play for cultural enrichment.


100% Money Back Guarantee


Since 2008 our music education products have helped more than 170,000 children around the world. As a time-tested, proven product, we are pleased to offer you a 100% money back guarantee on all our digital curriculum resources purchased from this website. If after 60 days you are not happy with the results you obtain in your children’s learning from the use of our products, we will happily refund 100% of your purchase price. All we require is that you deliver the program according to the written guidelines at least once a week during the 60 days. This refund offer expires 90 days after you make your purchase.

Take advantage of our one-stop shop for Early Educator’s Lesson Plans and enjoy bringing some fresh new content to your classroom today!


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