There are benefits when we sing a story to preschoolers
According to some researchers I been reading recently, here is just one such benefit — 'Story songs support meaning-making'. Educators and parents will all gain from introducing sung stories to their children, especially if they use picture books. (If you want to...
Learning music makes learning language easier for children
Given some great 21st century research and thought leadership, we can draw the conclusion that music and language are in effect two sides of the same coin, except in the case of babies where singing and talking are one and the same thing! Babies are processing...
5 Ways to Improve Happiness
Increase your happiness on the job! Scientists studying brain chemistry have come up with easy ways for you to try while you work. This article is dedicated to early childhood educators and music teachers everywhere who give out loads of energy on a daily basis. I...
Singing and talent
Singing is not a rare ability given to a talented few In fact, it's the word "talented" that can become a big problem for parents. Talent has become tainted. Following the powerful pull of Big Media, there's a prevailing attitude of obsession with talent, audition and...
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