by Carol Biddiss | Sep 21, 2012 | 3-5 year-old, child's play, drama and movement, music activity, Preschool Music Activities, speech and language development, story song, theme lesson plan
Grey, green, greasy – that’s the look of the water in the Port River near my home. It’s a working river so there’s always a hint of oil slick. It’s also home to a large number of dolphins strangely enough. Occasionally I can hear a long and exceptionally...
by Carol Biddiss | Jul 18, 2012 | 1-3 year-old, Nursery rhymes, speech and language development
How toddler music benefits language development The standout story this week in our toddler music class is about Charlie of sixteen months who spent most of the session careening around the room on the move. Sometimes toddlers simply have the wind in their sails and...
by Carol Biddiss | Jan 7, 2012 | 3-5 year-old, finger play, music activity, Preschool Music Lesson Plans, speech and language development
Finger puppets are little puppets that slip onto a single finger. I think they are great educational toys for children of three to five years. I often use them in the finger play activities that form part of my balanced preschool music lesson plans. Finger plays...
by Carol Biddiss | Sep 26, 2011 | 1-3 year-old, child song, music activity, Preschool Music Lesson Plans, rhythm instrument, speech and language development
It’s pretty easy to find songs for 1-3 year olds when your rich driving concept or theme is farming practices but what are the best songs and the best music activities to go with those songs? In our preschool music lesson ‘Baa! Moo! Oink! there is no...