by Carol Biddiss | Apr 16, 2016 | Innovations in Education
From open-space classrooms to open university At the beginning of my career in 1970 I was lucky enough to teach in one of the first “open-space classrooms” in my city. Many years later, enrolling as a student in a Massive Open Online Course has...
by Carol Biddiss | Apr 18, 2016 | Innovations in Education, Music Curriculum, Music program
Do you know how to teach yourself music? Professor Lucy Green found out how popular musicians taught themselves to play their instruments. She discovered these five ways: They chose their own music They played by ear They worked by themselves and with friends...
by Carol Biddiss | Apr 6, 2016 | Innovations in Education
This week I enrolled in a course with The University of Sydney. The Massive Open Online or MOOC is titled “The Place of Music in 21st Century Education”. In the information about the course, it’s designer Dr James Humberstone says: What do children...
by Carol Biddiss | Jan 16, 2020 | Innovations in Education, Preschool Music Lesson Plans
Do you want to use new technologies in preschool? Here’s a simple and engaging way to boost your children’s relevant use of everyday new technologies in preschool without too much screen-time. New technologies in preschool guidelines don’t have to pose a big...