Body Awareness – How to prepare a lesson plan on My Body

Body Awareness – Ways to incorporate music when preparing the topic “My Body”. Preschoolers aged 3-5 are very interested in the workings of the human body.  There are plenty of great songs to help you plan rich learning experiences around...

How to sing and play “Dr Knickerbocker” with a 3 or 4 year-old

Do you remember Dr Knickerbocker from your childhood? Dr Knickerbocker is a fun counting-game that’s easy to do with preschool kids.  Follow my simplified actions. Here are the lyrics to the first verse so you can revise how to sing and play Dr. Kinckerbocker —...

Not musical? How to get started planning preschool music lessons

Are you nervous about starting teaching music in preschool? Why is it that you lack confidence? My guess is that you think you are not musical yourself.  You don’t like singing in front of people. If that’s you then let me suggest a short lesson plan that...